lotus flower

lotus flower

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The 5th Law of Yoga: the Law of Intention & Desire

In the face of challenging situations, it's easy to fall into the grip of the egos’ fears and confusion.  Remind yourself each day of your intentions and spiritual purpose.  Meditate, find your center, reflect and plant your seeds of intention in the fertile field of all possibilities.

"Are you looking for me?
I am in the next seat.
When you really look for me,
You will find me instantly.
You will find me in the tiniest house of time.
Kabir says: Student, tell me, what is God?
He is the breath inside the breath."
~ Kabir

Although in daily life most of us take our ability to breathe for granted, on some deeper level we grasp its central importance.  We use the metaphor
"breathing room” when we feel we are not getting enough air...when we intuit that our very life force is draining away.

From our first breath to our last, breathing is a continuous, endless tool through which we can fulfill the dictum "know thyself.”  If we pay attention, our breath can teach us more than we can imagine: gratitude, peace and even as Kabir tells us, God.

Focusing on the breath immediately brings us into the NOW, which is why awareness of the breath is at the heart of many meditation practices.  When we allow ourselves to be present, we create the breathing room that we crave so intensely.

When we need vitality, we may need to look no further than our breath, which brings in the prana (life force) necessary to support every cell in the body.

Breathing is part of the great mystery that surrounds us every day, immersing us in the source of life even while we feel separate from it.  Take some time to follow your breath today and you will be amazed where it will take you.

om shanti, om peace, om breathe deeply & slowly,
Lee Ann

source: The Chopra Center 21- Days of Inspiration

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