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lotus flower

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

10 Ways to Achieve True Inner Peace

            Finding inner peace is difficult to do in a world like ours. Life is crazy busy, with curve balls launched at every turn. It can be daunting to try and see the love in each day, especially when you feel that bad often overtakes the good. One thing that is for certain is change, which is why achieving inner peace relies on how you adapt and cope. If some material item or emotional state makes you feel at inner peace, you’ll never be there long. Learning to adapt and to make yourself happy even when change is occurring is how you can achieve inner peace. I found that these ten destinations are along the journey to inner peace and even in difficult times, reverting to these can put your mind, body and soul at ease.

1)   Visualization. When I’m feeling overwhelmed, stressed or sad I tend to let it consume me. Using visualization is a great way to calm your woes even while they ail you. Shut the world out for a few moments, close your eyes and visualize a place you long to be. Think of the sounds you hear there, the scents you smell, what you would be doing and soak it all up. Remind yourself that even though you’re struggling now, you won’t always be and eventually you’ll make it back to that place.

2)   Affirmations. As humans, we tend to focus on the negatives and pay less attention to the positives. On the route to inner peace we must reverse this by practicing affirmations. Affirmations of yourself and others can make you feel stronger and confident, especially during times of weakness or worry. “You are beautiful.” “You are strong.” “I am beautiful.” “I am strong.”

3)   Focus on sound. Sometimes all we need is a chance to tune out the world. By using music or any other soothing sounds, we give our minds a chance to focus on something and it allows our petty thoughts to melt away. If music isn’t a source of calm for you, then just simply listen to whatever is around you. Watch your thoughts pass by in your mind and pay attention to the sounds you hear only. This gives your mind a chance to rest and relax.

4)   Practice compassion. When we experience another person’s compassion, it lights us up from the inside out. And so it does when we practice compassion towards another. Even a smile sometimes can turn someone’s day around. Focus on being compassionate (even when you’d rather not) because it will make not only you feel good, but those around you.

5)   Breathe. One of the most neglected forms of relaxation is simply, breathing. Inhaling fresh oxygen and exhaling the toxins that we don’t need anymore while focusing on the breath is a great way to relax. When you feel like the world is caving in on you, take a moment just to breathe. You’ll be amazed at the clarity you’ll feel.

6)   Practice acceptance. Practicing acceptance is a key way to inner peace. We cannot change everything and accepting what cannot be changed, acknowledging it and letting it go is something that many people have a hard time doing. Remember each day to be accepting of change, of people and of circumstances. Rest your head in the acceptance that everything happens for a reason, and even bad can turn into good.

7)   Forgive. Holding grudges is a sure-fire way to inner war. Forgiveness is something that is more beneficial to the forgiver than the one being forgiven because it allows us clarity in our souls. Once you forgive, you can let go. Letting go with a deep breath and forgiving those who have hurt you or forgiving yourself is a great step on the road to peace. Forgive and exhale the hurt away.

8)   Simplify. Try to simplify everything in your life. Sometimes we make things overcomplicated or harder than they need to be for unknown reasons. By focusing on simplification, you can focus solely on necessities of the body, mind and soul.

9)   Do things you enjoy every chance you get. Give yourself time for the things you enjoy the most. Happiness, true happiness, is a gateway to inner peace. You have to let yourself have it by doing the things you love and enjoy as often as you can.

10) Practice gratitude and appreciation. This is perhaps the most important of all. Being grateful and appreciative for everything good in our lives shouldn’t be reserved just for Thanksgiving. We should take time to appreciate the good in our lives, and even the bad, for it allows us to learn and grow. Appreciation for even the little things is important on the journey to inner peace.

We hope today and everyday you are able to splash in the pool of inner peace, for with inner peace and contentment comes true happiness. Remember this quote during the rough times and practice these 10 ways to inner peace as often as you can: “He who lives in harmony with himself, lives in harmony with the universe.” -Marcus Aurelius

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