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lotus flower

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Renewing & Reviewing the 1st Spiritual Law of Yoga: The Law of Pure Potentiality

While we tend to identify ourselves as our body and our mind, our true essence is the pure consciousness that gives rise to everything in the universe.  When you know your true self, you realize that there is just one mind, one intelligence, one observer, and one Being perceiving itself through the countless perspectives of different beings.

"Once you know who you really are, being is enough.  You feel neither superior nor inferior to anyone and you have no need for approval because you've awakened to your own infinite worth." ~ Deepak Chopra
Given our magnificent spiritual nature, why do so many of us feel powerless or afraid?  A major reason is the hypnosis of social conditioning.  From childhood on, most of us are instructed in limiting beliefs, constrictions, and fear.  Whenever you feel threatened or fearful, it's because you're in a state of object-referral.  You're defining yourself through objects, which include people, titles, possessions, and accomplishments.  By their very nature, objects change, so as long as your identity and sense of security is tied to these external factors, your life will feel unstable.
Real power comes from the experiential knowledge of your deepest self - the unchanging essence of your soul.  This is the state of self-referral.  In self-referral, you have an internal sense of wellbeing regardless of what is happening around you because you aren't identified with transient objects or events.  

One of the best ways to directly experience your true self is meditation.
When you meditate, you move beyond the emotions, thoughts, and memories that usually preoccupy the mind - into the pure awareness that is your essential nature. 
Today remember that although you are temporarily disguised as a human being, your essential nature is infinite spirit - unbounded, immortal and invincible.
source:The Chopra Center 21 Days of Inspiration

"Ever since Happiness heard your name, it's been running through the streets trying to find you." ~Hafiz

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