The universe is always sending you messages that tell you whether you're in your dharma or have become sidetracked. When you're living out your true purpose, events seem to conspire in your favor and you find it easy to move forward.
"Drink your tea slowly and reverently,
As if this activity is the axis
On which the whole earth revolves.
Live the moment.
Only this actual moment is life."
~Thich Nhat Hanh
Where is your mind centered right at this moment? Are you thinking about something that happened earlier or about your plans or upcoming events?
Most of the time our mind is immersed in the past or projecting into the future. It's rare that our whole being drifts to the present moment...the here and now, so delicately sandwiched between our past experiences and future dreams.
Just for this moment, bring your awareness to the beauty, richness, and sanctity of the sacred present. Close your eyes and breathe in and out. As your mind drifts to past events or meanders to thoughts about the future, gently come back to your breath. With each inhalation and each exhalation you can bring yourself back to the present. Stop reading these words and try it now for a few moments.
Using mindfulness tools like breath awareness, meditation, yoga, and the intention to be present in each moment, you can further explore the possibilities.
What would it feel like to be completely connected to spirit in each moment? Not reliving the past or projecting into the future but simply allowing yourself to be ... breath by breath. Sweetly present to whatever the universe has planned.
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