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lotus flower

Thursday, June 5, 2014

The 6th Law of Yoga: the Law of DETACHMENT from Lee Ann

Detachment is a natural quality that emerges as your higher self becomes your internal reference point.  You engage in life with joy and passion yet no longer get swept up in the ego's fears.  You are rooted in the knowledge that you are pure love and pure spirit.
"We have not come here to take prisoners
Or to confine our wondrous spirits,
But to experience ever and ever more deeply
Our divine courage, freedom and Light!"
~ Hafiz
At the deepest level, we all seek freedom because it is our inherent nature.  Our essence is pure, unbounded spirit.   The  question naturally arises, if we are already free, why do we sometimes feel trapped, constricted, or limited?  Why do we get caught up in our fears, desires, aversions, and cravings?
This was a crucial question for the ancient yogis who studied the mind and discovered that the source of bondage is our conditioned beliefs and responses.  Even though we are infinite choice makers, most of us have automatic, predictable reactions to certain people, situations, and events.  For example, when someone makes a rude comment, is anger your immediate response? Or perhaps you are conditioned by past experiences of rejection that make it difficult for you to initiate a new friendship or business venture.
True freedom comes from breaking loose from the prison of past conditioning and the repetition of old memories and thought-patterns.
The past is the known and offers no opportunity for choice and possibility.  And the future exists only in the imagination.
Freedom lies in the present moment, the only place where you can choose from an infinite range of possibilities.  Remember, no matter how long you've been stuck in a pattern of behavior, every moment is an opportunity to choose anew...to detach...to breathe...
Join me?
om shanti, om trust, om detach, om open up to...limitless possibilities!

Om Love,
Lee Ann
source: The Chopra Center: 21-Days of Inspiration

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