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lotus flower

Thursday, May 22, 2014

The 4th Law of Yoga: The Law of Least Effort

Nature's intelligence functions with effortless ease.  When you become lighthearted and let go of struggling to force things to go your way, you'll experience the spontaneous fulfillment of your desires and purpose.  

"Nature is made to conspire with spirit to emancipate us." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
An ancient Vedic teaching states that the ability to embrace ambiguity, uncertainty, and paradox is the hallmark of spiritually enlightened beings.

Yet while we may acknowledge the value of flexibility and openness, the mind craves certainty.  It strives to classify ideas and experiences into  neat categories of good or bad, true of false, victim or aggressor.  While this innate response is invaluable for assessing potential danger in our environment, when we become entrenched in a a particular perspective, we constrict our awareness of new possibilities.

Through mindfulness practices such as meditation and yoga, entrenched thought patterns and their accompanying emotions lose their tight grip on you.

Take some time to meditate today.  As observe your thoughts arising and disappearing in the vastness of your awareness, you will become less and less identified with your conditioned mind and its creations.  They will cease to define your reality as you begin to see that they are just one perspective in a universe filled with perspectives...just one more expression of the infinite Divine that resides in each of us.

input from: The Chopra Center 21 Days of Inspiration

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