In our culture today, staying in SATYA invites & invokes multiple challenges, so we need to ask ourselves: "Am I truly willing to embark upon a saga, a journey with truthfulness, honesty, integrity, impeccability of my word with myself, as well as with each person who crosses my path?" Nowhere in the Yoga Sutras is it stated that 'SATYA IS EASY'...the Sutras encourage us to LIVE OUR TRUTH, IN OUR THOUGHTS, WORDS AND ACTIONS because we'll discover more SUKHA, more 'ease', and be more peaceful, and thus share more peace with our 'world'. We stay in truth, and thus, not have to work hard to remember which 'half-truths', 'sins of omission', lies we've shared with others, as well as the lies I'm telling myself, the ways I've chosen to rationalize my actions into righteousness...
So where do we begin??? Right here, right now~ We can learn from our past experiences, mistakes, celebrations, contracts, friendships, and still not be able to CHANGE our past. We can plan for, worry about our future, yet, we are here, now....are we ready to savor this saga with Satya?
We can choose to RSVP to this YOGIC INVITATION with regrets: "With regrets, I'm just not ready for Satya."..."Nope, it's not happening for me in my world today!"..."Okay, I'll try this 'Satya stuff', but it does not apply to my relationship with my boss~no one can talk to him without....blah, blah..." "Yes, I embrace Satya, but I am not claiming this extra money I made on the side~we all know the government isn't fair anyway!" "Oh yeah, I live a yogic lifestyle, but I'm not telling this rental company the REAL date of my party, 'cuz they didn't deliver the party tent on time last year~ I'm not getting caught up in their trap again, so I'll just extend our party times with them so we don't need to worry."
Satya is satya is satya....And when we begin living in truth, sharing our truth, first within ourselves, our own minds & thoughts, and then, with others WE EMPOWER OTHERS TO DO THE SAME! Easy? Not necessarily. Yet, it becomes easier and easier to RE-EXAMINE our own thoughts, get CLEAR with our own integrity, so it flows more freely from our minds, to our mouths, to members of our family, our work relationships, and our friendships, as well as to strangers.
We open to this Saga, in our humanness, one thought, one word, one step at a time...and when we make a mistake, we own it, claim it, embrace it, learn from it, let it go~ in satya, in, RIGHT here, RIGHT NOW, how are you able to apply Satya to your thoughts, your words, your work, your love, your rationalization? It's a personal journey, yet a SAGA to be SHARED, as we wheel on into this day...breath by breath, moment by moment, truth by truth...
What stories can you share? What challenges, what changes are you experiencing?
Wishing you SATYA in SHANTI,
Truthfulness in your Peacefulness....
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