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lotus flower

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Eight-Limb Path of Yoga

Welcome!.....and, thus the journey begins....continues.....as I reread, again & again, Rolf Gates' book Meditations from the Mat, I choose to sojourn with his words of wisdom in our Blog...Rolf states: "...Yoga seems to be the West's new remedy...yet this remedy is in fact over five thousand years old~far older than Islam, even older than Christianity....so we ask: Why yoga? Why now?"

I agree with him, our desire to embrace yoga is a testimony to our growth and readiness for change.....another famous author says: " To grow is to change, and to have changed often is to have grown much."....We, as a people, are ready to change, to renew, rebuild ourselves, our lives...and yoga provides a simple template for this journey~ to JUST BE......to BREATHE.....to listen to the heart....to come to the yoga mat and feel, not only the muscles in the body, but also the muscles in the mind~expand, open, let go, release, cry & laugh....to allow the heart to feel....and to hear....to answer, or LIVE UPON THE ANSWERS to 3 SOUL QUESTIONS:
1. WHO AM I?
3. WHAT'S MY DHARMA (What are the unique gifts and talents I've been given to help myself & others?)

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