A wise man, a sage, Patanjali, wrote the YOGA SUTRAS, which are 'THREADS' that tie together/unite
ways to live our lives more peacefully.... these Sutras were written between 500-200 B.C. His words of wisdom are the basis, the foundation of a healthy, balanced yogic lifestyle and the foundation on which YOGA IS BUILT.... He provides us with 196 succinct lessons on our human nature, how to actualize our potential, very simple, clear-cut guidelines on how to live our lives more fully.
I LOVE that he reminds us of something we so often forget: everything that we need, in this lifetime, we already possess....yet we spend so much, too much time, looking outside of ourselves to find peace, happiness, joy.... We're reminded by the music group America, that "Oz never did give nothin' to the Tin Man, that he didn't already have.....", and by Rolf Gates: "Dorothy, having travelled across time time and space to the land of Oz, and having struggled separately to find her way back to Kansas, discovers that she could have gone home at any time...."
Yoga helps us remember, each time we come to our mat, that each in breath can bring us peace, and each out breath can release stress, fear, heartache....if we choose....the CHOICE IS ALWAYS, ALL WAYS OURS...
lotus flower

Thursday, March 31, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
The Eight-Limb Path of Yoga
Welcome!.....and, thus the journey begins....continues.....as I reread, again & again, Rolf Gates' book Meditations from the Mat, I choose to sojourn with his words of wisdom in our Blog...Rolf states: "...Yoga seems to be the West's new remedy...yet this remedy is in fact over five thousand years old~far older than Islam, even older than Christianity....so we ask: Why yoga? Why now?"
I agree with him, our desire to embrace yoga is a testimony to our growth and readiness for change.....another famous author says: " To grow is to change, and to have changed often is to have grown much."....We, as a people, are ready to change, to renew, rebuild ourselves, our lives...and yoga provides a simple template for this journey~ to JUST BE......to BREATHE.....to listen to the heart....to come to the yoga mat and feel, not only the muscles in the body, but also the muscles in the mind~expand, open, let go, release, cry & laugh....to allow the heart to feel....and to hear....to answer, or LIVE UPON THE ANSWERS to 3 SOUL QUESTIONS:
1. WHO AM I?
3. WHAT'S MY DHARMA (What are the unique gifts and talents I've been given to help myself & others?)
I agree with him, our desire to embrace yoga is a testimony to our growth and readiness for change.....another famous author says: " To grow is to change, and to have changed often is to have grown much."....We, as a people, are ready to change, to renew, rebuild ourselves, our lives...and yoga provides a simple template for this journey~ to JUST BE......to BREATHE.....to listen to the heart....to come to the yoga mat and feel, not only the muscles in the body, but also the muscles in the mind~expand, open, let go, release, cry & laugh....to allow the heart to feel....and to hear....to answer, or LIVE UPON THE ANSWERS to 3 SOUL QUESTIONS:
1. WHO AM I?
3. WHAT'S MY DHARMA (What are the unique gifts and talents I've been given to help myself & others?)
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