- Samadhi, the eighth and final limb, as Rolf Gates states, is the experience of ecstatic oneness.In and of itself it is, for most of us, simply a pleasant reality, like a good blueberry muffin. The lesson of SAMADHI, however, is that it can be reached only through self-forgetting, and that lesson can be applied in all things.As I type these words, my life is taken up with helping my aging parents, my own family of 3 grown children, a husband I dearly love, and my black lab, teaching yoga classes, preparing for my Paddleboard yoga class, Meditation, Reiki, RYT200 workshops, striving to keep our home and yard and yoga studio clean & inviting....sometimes I feel overwhelmed with my 'LIST OF THINGS TO DO'...and I forget that "I am a spiritual being having a human experience", as I run about as a 'HUMAN DOing'...When I surrender to God, my angels/guides, when I remember to BREATHE INTO EACH MOMENT, EACH TASK, I remember to LET GO, to TRUST, to look at each person in my classes, in my home, in my work & my play and truly SEE the eyes of Christ...each moment I am (and YOU ARE) invited to love as Christ loved, as Buddha loved...it's a choice, isn't it?Again, and again....we get to CHOOSE SAMADHI...or, not...om shanti, om peace, om love, om laughter, om SAMADHI,
Lee Ann
lotus flower

Wednesday, August 14, 2013
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