lotus flower

lotus flower

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Carl Jung invites us to "Explore daily, the will of God."

...Tapas is the deep depth of the soul's inquiry within and, as Rolf Gates says, tapas is also embracing the heart of an explorer. Tapas is the willingness to work hard in practice, the desire to know oneself, and the will to be honest (satya). 

And yet, each of these virtues are predicated on the genuine desire for spiritual health. This burning zeal & desire will give us consistency. We'll have our shares of 'ups' and 'down's on this ROLLER COASTER WE CALL LIFE; days when our minds are ready and able to 'give it our all', and our bodies just DON'T, and vice versa.

As we practice being a COMPASSIONATE witness to ourselves, to our own soul's journey, to our humanness, we learn that hard, fast rules need not be held so tightly... And, we can focus on our hearts' desires to KNOW MORE, BE MORE....

We're traveling with tapas in the 'pocket of our hearts'...exploring the desire of God...as we live upon our answers to our questions, as we discover our Dharma (our reason for being, life's purpose).

Tapas helps us keep trying, consistently opening ourselves to potential, to possibilities, to miracles, to more.... and also allows us to rest on our mats in a difficult pose, surrender to savasana when our minds are too full, take a 'day off' when we're too overwhelmed... 

So often we expect more of ourselves than we do other people...

Tapas allows us to love and respect ourselves, to not be the harsh judge, but rather, the loving arms to welcome our own selves home at the end of the day...trusting in the new dawn, new beginning...tapas! Always there, awaiting our journey onward, inward....such an amazing saga, blessed with zeal, devotion, dedication, desire, intention, will, destiny...
Inhale each moment, each new experience, each breath, and exhale each judgment...

Enjoy the travels with tapas in your heart and soul!

Om shanti, Om peace, Om tapas!
Lee Ann