We could surely spend an entire lifetime embracing the idiosyncrasies of this 4th YAMA, on our 8 LIMB SAGA....BRAHMACARYA....
As Rolf Gates so succinctly states: Brahmacarya, or temperance, gets a very bad rap in our culture. Most of us associate moderation with repression. The hero of the story loves the fair maiden, loves her passionately, and then the repressive forces come in to wreck the day. NO ONE EVER SEEMS TO DEDICATE POEMS, SCREENPLAYS, OR ODES TO THE JOYS OF MODERATION OR THE REWARDS OF PASSIONATE BALANCE. As a species we seem unable to see the forest for the trees. Despite the staggering amount of evidence that excess destroys our dreams, there appears to be a human blind spot when it comes to the possibility that our most passionate existence might actually be accessed through balance and moderation. Once we actually start to bring BRAHMACARYA into our lives, we find that this YAMA is about truly following one's heart. We see that the chaos of immoderation brings us pain and anguish ~ and that the calm, clear energy released by moderation actually affords us the opportunity to realize all our dreams.
The moment I fall off the moderation wagon, my mind becomes consumed by the fact that I am no longer living up to my potential. My mind fills with obsessive concern; I know all too well the ways I am self-sabotaging. My heart yearns for peace. Then I wake up one morning and find that I have a made a decision. I am ready to let go of whatever it is that's consuming me. I am ready to reestablish brahmacarya in my life. I am ready to follow my heart. " I listen to the wind, to the wind of my soul...."~ Cat Stevens
When we are ready, and willing, we, too, will listen to the wind of our souls.....
Are you ready to join me? Listen carefully.....
om shanti, om peace, om listen, om...................